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360 Magazine by Steelcase

運用不同家具配置 工作時更為專注 資訊轟炸時代讓注意力疲乏,如何在信息氾濫的生活中挽回注意力,讓生活與工作重拾效率? 360雜誌告訴您,如何運用不同家具配置,讓渙散的注意力慢慢調整為專注狀態?

It’s well said that a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and most workers are now living that mental skirmish every day.


Deep focus requires avoiding unwelcome external and internal distractions. This library zone is designed as a retreat from the noise distractions and frequent interruptions that are common in open-plan offices. Phone use is prohibited and conversations are restricted. Designed with a range of acoustical, visual and psychological boundaries, these settings support a wide range of user preferences for focused work.

Layers of boundary—from fully enclosed spaces to micro lounge settings—enable users to control external stimuli—sound, sightlines, lighting and temperature to their individual preferences.

The Brody WorkLounge settings support views to the outside and shield distractions. The Bivi workbench provides boundaries between individuals to allow for focused work.

Brody WorkLounge, a cocoon-like setting, cuts down on visual distractions and provides an empowering sense of control and psychological safety.

  1. screen eliminates visual distractions

  2. adjustable table orients user to work

  3. light illuminates personal content

  4. ottoman enables ergonomic wellbeing


Easy access to colleagues, nourishment and places to rest the mind helps cognitively-overwhelmed workers gain a new perspective.

This social zone, placed at an intentional crossroad, hosts a variety of nurturing activities: grabbing a cup of coffee, taking a few minutes to be mindful, having a relaxed conversation with coworkers or simply taking a deep breath to recover brain energy.

  1. A fireplace surrounded by natural wood encourages calm contemplation and is also a hub for quiet conversation.

  2. The Visalia Lounge chair by the fireplace creates a calm contemplative place for reflection.

A coffee bar provokes serendipitous encounters and conversations, while a media wall invigorates the mind with interesting company information and news from around the world.

An informal lounge setting encourages relaxed postures and dynamic exchanges that provoke new ways of thinking.


Physical activity has proven to stimulate the brain. Provide easily accessible settings that encourage workers to move throughout the workday to activate their minds and also take care of their bodies.

These settings incorporate opportunities for movement—whether a stand-up brainstorm session or a walk during a conference call, this activity refreshes the mind as well as the body.

  1. This private retreat supports an immersive experience and connection to nature.

  2. A Walkstation Treadmill Desk can stimulate the brain through movement while doing routine tasks.

  1. Standing height table without seating encourages movement during a short brainstorm session and access to content on the wall.

  2. Access to natural light and views inhibits stress hormones, helping workers attain productive states of mind.

  3. Whiteboards capture information and ideas, reducing cognitive load to encourage creative thinking

Listen to an interview with Steelcase Senior Design Researcher and Environmental Psychologist Beatriz Arantes as she discusses how to maintain attention at work and why working shorter hours is key to keeping pace with work demands today.



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